Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Pizza Galore!

My sister and I attended a small appreciation dinner at Pizza Hut Mall for the demo team at last year's DST Carnival. Not even half of the team showed up, which meant more food for us. It was a lot of fun. Laughter was literally bursting from our table! I really did miss everyone.

Adelyn, a friend who's like a sister to me, recently got engaged! I was actually invited to her engagement ceremony at Orchid Garden Hotel last Wednesday but I couldn't make it because a relative passed away. 

After moments of catching up, she freaked out when I told her that my sister and I aren't coming for training anymore, not until we finish high school. Another thing that got her disappointed was because she was looking forward to spar with me at the Brunei Open. It's a Shorinji Kempo competition and I got chosen (again) to participate in the tourney for Randori (sparring). They said that it's an open category, like really open that female kenshis get to spar with the male kenshis too. But of course, I can't make it but that can't stop me from not coming to the matches held, et cetera. I may not be an active kenshi (as of now), but I will always be a Kempo kenshi.

Oh, which reminds me that I need to see the principal of my school to make a proposal for the establishment of Shorinji Kempo Club at PTEM. It'd be so cool if the principal gives her approval or at least consider it before the final verdict. That verdict would of course be either approving or rejecting (NOOOO!) my proposal.

The least I can say about the dinner - now back to the point - is that I had such a great time with my Kempo mates. It was good to see you all well and healthy. :)

When we got home, our mom got some takeaways from Pastamania! I was like, 'OH GOD! SERIOUSLY?! D:' But of course, I welcomed the food with arms wide open and ate them as if I was still hungry. Hohoho~

I'm just gonna say that tonight is a blessed night indeed, all thanks to our friends who made it so and for the food. Alhamdulillah~

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